Monday, April 23, 2007


So you see my good peoples, I sat down to write and two things were on my mind
1. Syphillis
2. People who dont look their age.

I decided to write about no 2, so figured no 1 should get the headline. Now for those of you who will insist I explain my mental contraction of Syphilis(sounds nasty!) follow the link

So i shared a metro car, a bus stop and a bus ride with a man who I could not stop staring at. His eyes, language and actions spoke to me to declare us peers. His clothes chimed in to support tis notion but his face!?! His face!! So i could not stop looking at this fellow who in my mind must have looked 20 at 14 and 18 at 7....sadly he walked to the back of the bus and there my observations ended. I started thinking afresh of this man then Syphillis broke my train of thought and so I thought I would share Syphillis with you, in the hope you would suffer like I have and you too would know what it is like to contract Syphillis mentally!

ta ta