Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fellow Travellers

"Snap your fingers, two can do it all by yourself.." I am starting to question my musical tastes as my recent itunes purchases are either evidence of being a true eclectic or mere confusion.

I have had cause to think of late about my friends and who my true friends are. You can say that my friends and i are in transit, on our way to a place we know but not having the most fun getting there.The journey takes its toll and sometimes you wonder why you didn't just wait for the next train and you cannot help but think what would have been if you had made different choices about the path you chose and if you had not rushed to get places.
So i think a little more and glance at my travelling companions and in the silence that surrounds us, the mute understanding that we share the same bus but are headed to different destinations sets in. And in that moment you cannot help but wonder what we have in common that brought us to this place and what brings us back together day after day,surely we could all choose another way to get where we need to be...

That being said I know that they would not let me get left behind and if we ever lose touch, I know they will be waiting at the next stop because as fellow travellers, they and and them are inextricably linked....

i am starting to enjoy public transport in the strangest of ways.....

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