Monday, May 28, 2007


Song: Chelsea
Artist: A caucasian girl lamenting the theft of her boyfriend
Rating: This song rocks hard
Why it rocks: It lets me assert that I am masculine enough to sing catchy gender inappropriate songs

So i was in a room where an interesting debate began
The subject matter whether or not children today were bred "soft"
Too much cuddling and cajolling
Too much participation and not enough competition
"Everybody is a winner"
Even the losers

It was an interesting debate the outcome of which i do not know
The outcome does not interest me, for it calls to mind greater things
How shall i raise my "winner"kids
The answer is this and it is simple
They shall be ruthless

No quarter given No quarter requested
No victory is complete till it is total
There are those that win
There are those that lose
That is true and that is life
They shall be ruthless

Ruthless in victory
Ruthless in mercy
Ruthless in victory for it is the unwavering goal
Ruthless in mercy because it gives the hope to ready for the next battle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although this "comment" has absolutely nothing to do with this particular blog entry, I just wanted to say HI (Aston) MARTIN!! Remember me? I'm Li, from Brisbane. I just stumbled over your name looking through Mei Goh's blogroll and I said to myself, oh, he sounds awfully familiar... then it clicked! Remember our very intelligent, in-depth conversations about nothing? Anyway it's rather sad I never got to personally say 'adios' to you. So I will say it now, Adios A-martin-igos! Hope to seeya/chat to you again some time!