Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Fizzically Fit...Fizzically fit

Sing along "woman you fizzically fit, fizzically fit" hahahaha if you dont know what song tht is from, i dont feel like telling you. One day you will hear it and think of me...that thought comforts me..
So i have been trying to get in the best shape of my life...fizzically that is and its been a strange road. I am at a point where I am not seeing the results I would like but I am pressing on and trying to do different things.
Recently it really dawned on me that I needed to up my Cardiovascular exercisation (if silly words like cardiovascular can exist i can make up what i want). So I have been running a few days each week for a few weeks now and today I was captured by a black and white still in Newsweek of a running of the NYC marathon in the 70s.. I was drawn in by all those people and I decided I must be there...

To put my decision in context, NYC is a place I really want to visit( am a city slicker) and several people I work with are in training for marathons in different parts of the country...so it has been decided that I shall be in NYC for the running of the NYC Marathon and I shall be there early at the start and jostle for good position, I want to be in the very front to watch a few thousand people run 26miles for no good reason!! To watch them walk down the stairs the next day in agony and to have lost 5% of their muscle mass and 3inches of height...

I have recently invented the exercisation rule that works for me....A mile a day keeps the doctor a way.....26miles is just being an overachiever!

p.s- count all your steps, if you dont use the remote and actually get of your hind you can add an extra 200 feet to your mile total!!

1 comment:

Ppix said...

I'm a fan of your fizzically fit quest as i have started my own too hehe, i feel the diference too..ahhh running, what a joy, it helps when you there's lovely scenery around you...like some hot dude..hehe jox (but you don't believe me anyway do ya!)